Domestic Travel 2025

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A2TwoZee domestic travel blog
To see the “State & Territorial Visitor Registration Laws Guide” chart, scroll down to that section and click on the “HERE” link.
To see the map of states, click on the “HERE” link to the right of “Summary Map”.

Domestic travel information (Probation Information Network)

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I am again pointing out the stupidity and impossibility of complying with Illinois 720 ILCS 5/11-9.4-1 which defines loitering when within 500 feet of a public park if ever convicted of a sex offense as enumerated in many sections of ILCS.

Loitering means: (i) Standing, sitting idly, whether or not the person is in a vehicle or remaining in or around public park property. (ii) Standing, sitting idly, whether or not the person is in a vehicle or remaining in or around public park property, for the purpose of committing or attempting to commit a sex offense. The statute states one has to knowingly loiter on a public way within 500 feet…

So, other than the two airports and Amtrak travel I have researched, it is best I do no more research of where public parks are located so if visiting Chicago, I can not “knowingly” loiter within 500 feet of a public park. If visiting and if I happen so see a public park, I know not to step onto the property.

So technically, because I am considered convicted of attempting an offense in another state against a fictitious underage female, if I am at Chicago Midway Airport which is located adjacent to a public park and for example if I am standing or sitting idly watching the sunset through the window while waiting for a plane, I am loitering. And technically if I am standing or sitting idly watching the sunset through the window while on Amtrak going into or leaving Chicago where public parks are located within 500 feet, I am loitering.

But I am unconcerned about the Chicago Midway Airport because I stopped flying when I found out the feds were going to initiate facial recognition and I will not start flying again until off the registry in 2026. And I am unconcerned about Amtrak if I visit Chicago because as long as I do not know where the public parks within 500 feet of Amtrak rail lines are located that I could possibly travel, I can not “knowingly loiter within 500 feet”. My point of this posting is to show the stupidity of the statue.

Went go see my mom in Denver when I was going through the check point they knew my name before I gave them my ID.
I think the FBI has people forced to register on some kind of watch list, and they track not only people forced to register, they also track their family’s and people they communicate with, just in case they need to locate [one of us].

I use to have an interest in visiting historical places related to the birth of this country and the birth of the constitution. After being on the registry, I lost that interest. I no longer have any interest in a country that treats me as a second class citizen by taking away and not giving back some of my constitutional rights so I no longer have an interest in visiting any of these historical places. Not even sure if I can respect the founding fathers who had slaves. I prefer instead to just visit places of natural beauty that has nothing to do with man.

On another note, after I was put on the registry, I stopped saying the pledge of allegiance because there is no justice for all and I believe there never will be justice for all in this country.

Hey,,,there may be new domestic travel locations on the horizon with the new administration…
Greenland is purchased by the United States..
The Panamanian Canal Zone is returned to the United States..
Canada becomes the 51st state…

I’m confused. I live in Penn and was a 10 year Pre-Sorna (conviction Dec 2006) PFR. Ended registration in Penn in 2020. I want to travel to Arizona for a few days to visit the Grand Canyon. Do I have to follow Arizona’s registration requirements for visit even though I am no longer required to register in Penn or do I have to follow Arizona’s registration requirements for a visit because I was convicted of a registrable offense in Penn in 2006? This gets very confusing. Arizona says “within 10 days of arrival”. Does this mean I have to register when entering Arizona no matter even if I only stay 5 days but I have up to 10 days to register my stay.
Thanks for help.

Have there been any cases of former RSOs being forced back onto the registry in another state just for visiting?

I plan to attend a wedding in Florida and have a two-night itinerary to comply with their residence restriction rules.

The A2TwoZee domestic travel blog advises against visiting Florida altogether, so I’m curious if anyone has encountered such cases.

I’m also concerned about airport facial recognition technology, as it could make tracking individuals easier if the government intends to monitor them.

Ok, I’m pretty sure I know my answer but want to ask anyhow.

I currently live in California and in the process of petitioning to end my registration requirement. Original charge was misdemeanor possession of CP. 311.11(a).

Once I am relieved of my duty to register I was considering moving to Nevada. Sounds like if I did that I’m subject to registering there however.

My conviction was after 1/1/2014 as such I can’t expunge through PC 1203.4

Am I understanding this correctly that moving to Nevada retriggers registration requirement?

Has anyone gone to Alaska for vacation and submitted a ‘visiting notice’? I’m wondering if Alaska puts you on their website or registry during this temporary time, and if they leave you up or just don’t put you on anything at all.

may I suggest splitting the table into the phases post-incarceration – to aid in adjusting the table as the laws change. Perhaps …

At half-way house (residential reentry center)
On probation
After sentence is complete

Why? In my case, I have a mid-career job that would allow me to move to another state where there are factories. I am choosing to stay put until my probation ends. THEN I have a single chance to make a big move, and the ultimate destination will have to allow me in to live a life – and that may influence many decisions on the way (property, savings, taxes, investments, …) . I am sure others who come out of prison after a long while have similar thoughts. Their probation state may not be the state/territory they would be at home, after probation ends.

Does staying in a national park negate any time limit for registration in a state? If you are on federal property, than state laws should not apply, just as on an indigenous reservation, I would think.

I need to clarify my posting regarding visiting WY. My comment pertained to the document linked at ACSOL. The document on Ztwoo Zee’s website appears to be accurate. So the point is, use these documents as starting points and then read the most recent state information as the documents may not always be updated and laws change all the time.

And one point I made does not change – if one enters the state and stays one night, you have 3 business days to register for life. Do not risk it by just driving through the state with no intent to spend the night as you could have car trouble or weather trouble. I lived in WY years ago for 6 months over the winter, first snow of the season on my first day there and still snow on the ground my last day there. One can drive for hours between towns. I have driven for 2 hours before on a major highway and never saw one car, only had to stop so herds of a few hundred antelope could jump 8 ft tall fences on both sides of the highway while crossing. So if your car breaks down, you most likely will be spending the night in WY and if law enforcement encounters you, you will be registered for life.

Hi. On parole in California and heading to NY (hopefully) for my father’s funeral. How long can I be there without having to register? The stuff on this website indicates 10 days but I’m not sure if that is accurate. Thanks

I have a question about not triggering registration requirements when visiting Florida, which I unfortunately will have to do every few years, but not more than once a year.  My goal is to visit the state and remain fully compliant with the law.  I would love to ask a lawyer, but in my experience lawyers to not respond to individual questions like this. They want new cases. 
I have visited Florida before and took the conservative approach, changing my lodging to a different county after two days. I have reexamined the law and the FDLE site and only see three types of presence in the state that trigger the requirement to register: Presence at either a Permanent Residence (place where I live if I move to the state); a Temporary Residence (hotel or any place with an address where I stay); Transient Residence (a place within a county without an address where I may reside like camping in the woods). 
According to the legal definition of a Temporary Residence, it is a place with an address so if I change hotels every few days, even to another one across the street then my requirement to register is not triggered.  I only see mention of presence within a county in the definition of a Transient Residence, which I am not interested in.  I believe that I am compliant with the law if I don’t reside at the same Temporary address (hotel) for three days or more, but would love to get some confirmation.
Below is the definition of Temporary Residence from the FDLE site:
Temporary Residence: A place where the person … abides, lodges, or resides, including, but not limited to, vacation, business, or personal travel destinations in or out of this state, for a period of 3 or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year, and which is not the person’s permanent address or, for a person whose permanent residence is not in this state, a place where the person is employed, practices a vocation, or is enrolled as a student for any period of time in this state. For the purpose of calculating a temporary residence, the first day that a person abides, lodges, or resides at a place is excluded and each subsequent day is counted. A day includes any part of a calendar day.

my case was all tied juvinile crime so i never actually had a felony of anykind. i recently actually got off the registry and also the state of michigan expunged my record and sealed it. Am i totally in the clear or what is the rules behind an expungment with no actual felony on record? thanks.

Has anyone had more success doing a land crossing into Canada? I’d love to take my wife to Quebec City one day.

My PFR son has not traveled outside of IL since before his sentencing and is now off paper. I would like to bring him to CA with us for a family trip. I read the travel chart and CA is 5 working days. Can anyone confirm weekends are a free pass? We probably won’t risk it and stay less than 5 full days anyway, but I want to understand the limits.

Secondly, we may be staying in LA county (not sure yet, could be further south) but I’ve heard from you all they are not particularly PFR friendly. Not that we plan on alerting anyone or registering, but my fear is IL reports it to someone in CA.

The brings me to IL. I am going to research this further, but he has to report his travel to his PD – the statute states with an Itinerary. I don’t know what that means yet in terms of level of detail. Can we just report leaving Friday for CA and coming home Tuesday? Or will they demand to know where he’s staying and specifics?

Any guidance from people who have traveled out of IL and into CA appreciated!

Of course, I will keep Janice’ phone number at the ready should we encounter any issues in CA.

I am grateful that Mr A2TwoZee put together and keeps updating the travel matrix. I want some clarification on the rules for visiting Massachusetts. I am a PFR and need to visit MA for 1.5 days for work. Fly in one day and fly out as early as possible the following day. Unfortunately I can’t get a flight out the same day or else I would. Is the limit 2 days or 4 days? It seems like the law says 2 days explicitly for moving (however they define that) into the sate. However, the law does not explicitly spell out what to do for visitors. So it appears the SOR office has created its own rules for visiting (again however they define that). Which if visiting you have 4 days. Maybe someone from MA can weigh in?

Last edited 3 days ago by Mike in IL